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STEP 1 : Send us your files for quotaion​
It's EASY and QUICK!


Option 1: Use our file upload wizard

Just fill in the form on this little green space and we'll send you the quotation ASAP.

Available extensions : pdf, doc, docx, xls, csv, txt, rtf, html, zip, mp3, wma, mpg, flv, avi, jpg, jpeg, png, gif

Maximum size : 30 mb


Option 2 : Directly send the files to our email

If you don't feel secure enough, you can send the file to this email :

We reply every email that come into our inbox.


Option 3 : If your file is over 30 mb, try these links


Call us if you feel email is not enough!

(+66) 81 453 4919

We are based in Bangkok, Thailand :D

STEP 2 : Confirm the quotation

After receiving your file, we'll send you our quotation. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any question. When you're satisfied with it, send us your confirmation.

Get your free quote now :D

STEP 3 : We do your work

Yes. We do your work!

Translations, Proofreadings, Transcriptions,

and yes, graphic design if you'd like.​

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