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We understand how difficult it is to finish your assignments in a rush time. Let's Inkdot help you translate your dissertation, thesis, or academic article that you would definitely need for your research. We also offer grammar and style check, spell check, or even plagiarism check.
Dissertation Translation
- Available Subject fields:
1. Arts&culture 2. Literature 3.Linguistics
4. Interior design 5. Philosophy 6. History
7. Natural Science 8. Music
- Price per page
Summary translation
- Summarise and translate the source text by reducing its original length by 50 percent
- Perfect for news, articles, reports
- Help reduce your time in reading a long text in foreign language
- Price per page
Grammar and style check
- Check your grammar, word choice, writing style
- Suggest a the more plausible phrase or word
- We use human and online tools to create the best performance
- Price per page
Plagiarism check
- Avoid sending your report/ dissertation /essay that's copied from other source.
- Suggest possible phrases and words
- We use human and online tool to create the best performance
- Price per page
Spell check
- Avoid sending your report/ dissertation /essay with typos
- find and edit any possible mistakes
- We use human and online tool to create the best performance
- Price per page
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